Donate Today

Support our labor of love!

Every day our youth gratefully thank God for the much needed provision

Your gift makes a difference!

It costs about $50 USD to provide food, accommodation and school expenses for each student. We need about $7000 USD a month to care for the 105 students God has placed in our care. Some months the support is not  enough. Would you love to change the life of a hill tribe youth today? You can support their needs by donating to the Home of Destiny.

Giving just $50 a month, will help the poor hill tribe family at a remote mountain to provide care for one child at our Center as they are being schooled everyday, discipled in the Word of God, and learn about the challenges of life and the essential skills to face those challenges. 

Everyday our youth work an hour on the farm area to grow our veggies, gourds and roots to feed everyone. But is not near enough because we do not have enough land and resources to provide for every meal needed for our growing up teens, hence we still need your support and giving towards the Center’s expenses.

Thank you for your support!

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Account Holder: Inkhian Chanthima

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30 W. 26th Street, Sixth Floor
New York NY 10010
United States

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